Top 50 Internet Reactions to Osama bin Laden’s Death

Written by ranker

Barack Obama hunting down, actually finding, and then killing Osama bin Laden spurred more knee-jerk internet reactions of people thinking they’d thought of something original since Balloon Boy was in the air. So, amidst a sea of poorly executed Waldo jokes and some really truly, horrible, hate-filled Facebook statuses, here are the fifty funniest reactions the internet had to offer about Obsama bin Laden’s death (that didn’t involve college students getting drunk by the hundreds to celebrate an assassination.) Only ten years later. NOTE: List is 2 pages long (there’s too much great stuff not to keep adding to this thing).

This easily earns the top spot. You’ve really gotta hand it to Fox News. In a sea of quasi-understandable typos, these guys actually said it. "President Obama is dead."

The quiet, direct simplicity of the website makes the list because that is a badass picture of young Obama.

You can always count on a hilariously exaggerated video from Taiwan news channel NMA News. You might know them for animating the news on a regular basis. This one is a liiiittle brutal, though. But, it’s NMA News and they always make you laugh at least once.

So, apparently this guy live-tweeted the actual RAID itself. He didn’t know that he was tweeting history, but luckily, this over-sharing Twitter hound provided us with a view of exactly what it would be like to be near such a huge event and not even know it.

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