Why I Don’t Have a Girlfriend


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27 thoughts on “Why I Don’t Have a Girlfriend

  1. Rubbrbaron

    Sad. “Best Article” really has the potential to be that. But all too often, it’s used to focus on some tiny, insigificant aspect of nothingness.

    “Level 80 Paladin”??????

    Ridiculous. Subscribers keep threatening to CANCEL after this kind of in-joke inanity. I consider it all too often, sometimes when a whole week of “Bests” should be rated “Worsts.”

    Maybe we could trim it down to “Best Article Every week”? That might ease the pressure, during those weeks when the site seems unable to come up with an adequate feature. It would surely save us from such abyssmal entries as “Why I Don’t Havc a Girlfriend.”

  2. juice

    I agree, Rubbrbaron. Everytime I visit this site when Im completely bored, Im reminded why I removed it from my bookmarks and only come back to it out of a desperate hope I can find something to entertain me more than reading trivia on IMDB. Ugh, this site USED to be good. Those days are loooong gone.

    Not to mention, when they DO find something interesting to read, half the time they wound up “borrowing” it from another website. Somebody once linked me to zenhabits.net. Its a great site that BAED used to be. Except it doesnt suck. Check it out.

  3. Andy

    I love this site and always will love it, sure it has some crappy articles, but hey you cant make everyone happy all the time.

    and LOL @ Torales FTW!!

  4. maria

    i broke up w my bf ,becouse of his cigarettes,he smells like a stinky fish,fuuuuuuuuuuu:((( i think, this is #1 problem of men.i tried to help him ,and asked him to smoke >electronic cigarette ,but i think he didn’t love me so much to try something new,may be u should try it guys :))))

  5. maria

    i broke up w my bf ,becouse of his cigarettes,he smells like a stinky fish,fuuuuuuuuuuu:((( i think, this is #1 problem of men.i tried to help him ,and asked him to smoke electronic cigarettes ,but i think he didnโ€™t love me so much to try something new,may be u should try it guys :))))

  6. amy

    dunno why you are all hatin, i think this is pretty damn funny. guess you have to play world of warcraft to get it.

  7. Bry

    I find this website quite humorous(especially this article). All of you who think this is to ‘low brow’ either have never played world of warcraft or are good to have a easy laugh. Go read the news.

  8. chuck

    lol sadly i dont know worlds of warcraft I go back to the original D&D days. but at least after 24 years my 80th level paladin is legit lol. so ladies any takers? lol

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