Life! Death! Top tips!

Collected by lifedeathtoptips

My proudest moment.

My proudest moment.

Include some spare post-its in case you need to reroute yourself around roadworks!

Include some spare post-its in case you need to reroute yourself around roadworks!

“This is a crazy idea!”, says Carly, before awarding it star tip status.

“This is a crazy idea!”, says Carly, before awarding it star tip status.

All your mates are liars.

Conversely, why not pop a slipper in your knickers if unprepared for the arrival of your monthly guest?

Hand deliver it straight through their window for a surprise they’ll never forget!

Rule #1: using the magazine will always ensure Star Tip position.

I do want to create a cool statement without splashing out on a pricey rug, but this has left me none the wiser.

Grown-ups call them “cappuccinos”, Charlotte.

Nothing says ‘party’ like Listerine-flavoured vodka!

Next week: how to use up a wasted piece of bread!

Dip your beams when encountering other women.

Maddie frequently wakes up trapped under a chair, with shards of glass in her hair.

Someone really likes shoes :-/

Jade goes up a cup size in the rain.

But…my chicken fillets are now made of rice! This is HOPELESS.

Mhairi, lovey, they have toasters in foreign now.

Rule #2: using the word ‘funky’ will mean your tip is featured. Even if, as here, you are flagrantly misusing the word.

Magazine readers are obsessed with putting sanitary towels in places that aren’t their pants.

The most alarming thing is that Anita is only 50. Oh Anita.

I question how posh this do was.

These is literally nothing fun about this.

Added bonus: it looks like you’ve blacked up. Thrifty AND racist!