Conventional Logic Vs. Religious Logic

Post by brown3218

60 thoughts on “Conventional Logic Vs. Religious Logic

  1. Jody

    Why ? I am a devoted Chrsitian. I don’t behave in this manner. I want to read your blog. Please don’t be insulting!

  2. As

    Whats up with the constant religion bashing? It’s wrong and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
    I used to think this was a fun, intelligent blog…clearly I was wrong. This sort of stuff completely diminishes the sites rep.
    And don’t tell me to lighten up and that it was a ‘joke’. It stopped being funny after the first time.

  3. seanithan

    Religion bashing is fine because religion is stupid.

    Secondly, it’s still funny.

    By the way, this “blog” just steals things from other blogs and reposts them.

    P.S. Religion is stupid.

  4. bee

    i really feel sorry for those who those who accuse religion to be stupid, since they are poor for not knowing even half the truth.

  5. Homeless Pie

    Yeah, the truth of religion is that it has been responsible for more bloodshed and war than any other factor on earth. And I find it curious that more people have died in Jesus’ name than any other human being, ever, even Hitler. Kinda strange for a guy who preached peace and tolerance, eh?

    1. The Dude

      Thank goodness that Stalin was such a kind and sweet philanthropist and not like the average religious person, this proves that atheistic philosophies are kinder and nicer that nasty old religions.

  6. seph

    people are allowed to have their own view on different things.
    dont get offended when someone expresses their view. your pretty much confirming the comic if you do.

  7. marvel

    Could be funny, but it’s stupid : religion is about things that are not tangible, so the example is really a bad choice, and doesnt demonstrate anything.
    Instead of “I has a baseball” try “I feel good”.
    And the proof is : the way you behave. And its rather an indication than a proof.

    There is no conventional versus religious logic, there is openmindess versus intolerance. And you don’t need to be religious to be intolerant. Well in fact, usually religion help not to be intolerant.

    Don’t be so “conventional”, please.


    1. The Dude

      With regard to baseball bats, in North America baseball bats are used for playing baseball, in Europe baseball bats are used to beat people up with. It just depends upon individual needs like religion.

  8. tyga

    Religion is inherently irrational, which is what the funny comic represents.

    What’s rational about believing something without any evidence?

    And why ought I respect stupidity? (answering this question would be an exercise in stupidity)

  9. Junal

    i think involving religion with anything is stupid, well ppl have their own view why would u bring it to public when u know it might hurt some ppl …..this is stupid

  10. Jesus H Christ

    Oh come the “Holier than thou Zealots”

    Gimme a break…this is so true and very farking funny. Keep the anti religius stuff coming..its lovely

    I hate God!

  11. theaccringtonian

    re (9):

    A couple of things to be aware of. . . . .

    Religion and faith are not interchangeable terms, rather they are very different concepts.

    Man is a unique animal in as much as he is the only animal which voluntarily travels to impose its will on other groups of the same animal.

    In doing so, men will always try to mitigate its actions by giving their actions a “noble” motive – and hence avoid confronting their own evil.

    Man is evil. Religion is managed by man. Religion is, ipso facto, evil.

    Jesus Christ was not a human being

  12. Mereel


    By and large, religions aren’t about “I feel good” so much as “I has a god” and that is something about which people are entitled to ask for proof. If it was about an ethical system, it would be about how you behave, but people have those independent of being religious.

    Also, the comic is actually about logic, not tolerance and intolerance. You can claim it addresses logic in an intolerant way, but that would be irrelevant to its point. It’s about a system of thought: rational conventional logic, when presented with a claim, asks for proof; irrational religious logic defies the nature of proof all together as most con artists are prone to do.

    People might be more accepting of the claims that being against religious arguments is intolerant or bigoted were it not a choice. A bias against someone’s race, their gender, their sexuality are things that they had no say in and have no direct effect on those around them. However, religion and religious thinking are inherently based on choices. If you want to make that choice, you are free to do so, but in so far as it negatively effect the quality of life around the world, you’re darn right I’m going to be against it.

    Lastly, religion doesn’t “help not to be intolerant”. It is often a major source of intolerance, creating rifts where there wouldn’t be any. Explain how it helps people to not be intolerant to those slain in the name of a god or an irrational belief system.

  13. Dee

    Most striking about this twee ‘article’
    – The poor English (‘I has a ball’ is maybe ‘kewl’ ?)
    – Where is the humour in it? …. or did I miss the point?
    – How many responses it’s eliciting! :)))

  14. seanithan

    Marvel, to say that religion has helped people to be tolerant is to ignore history as a whole. That’s just silly.

  15. Ash

    I’m number 2….I’m not a big mad religious obsessive, I really am not…but I do believe in God and that works for me, so people should accept that…
    I don’t mind an the odd religious joke, but a) there is too many and it’s basically just slagging people off, and b)at least make them funny.

  16. Kurt

    I loved it, bashing (organized) religion is great, especially when the comments people make about it being offensive only reinforce our point.

    Go Dawkins!

  17. JD

    I dont care if its true or not, but its still funny.
    the people that are getting offended by this need to relax some.
    try not to be so angry.

  18. Steve

    It’s funny how many people of ‘faith’ can’t laugh at their religion… as if somehow it’s taboo to show the dark side of religion. The comic is funny and portrays a stereotype that at times is dead on. So maybe not ALL people of faith are crazy but it’s certainly an overwhelming majority. Laugh and get over it. At least they had the decency to omit Mohammed from the comic, that would’ve brewed one hell of a storm.

  19. Syfox

    Hrm. It’s more right to say, “I have lots of proof that I have a baseball, but I can’t really prove it to you.” Everybody wins.

  20. Mereel


    It isn’t about “everybody wins”. Besides, when that absurd line about the proof/not-proof comes up and is shot down, the “you can’t prove that I don’t” is never far behind.

  21. Cedric

    Have a look at the talk of Richard Dawkins on militant atheism on

    For the sake of comparing religious thinking and science, he imagines a special issue of the Quarterly Review of Biology on the topic “Did an Asteroid kill the dinosaurs?”.

    Here is a list of papers, based on different… well… methodologies.

    1) Iridium layer at the K/T boundary, and potassium argon dated crater in Yucatan indicate that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

    2) The president of the Royal Society has been vouchsafed a strong inner conviction that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

    3) It has been privately revealed to Professor Huxley that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

    4) Professor O’Neil was brought up to have total and unquestioning faith that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

    5) Professor Hawkins has promulgated an official dogma bounding on all Hawkinsians that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.

    Which one would you find the most convincing?

  22. Brian

    I don’t believe in organized religion, but i don’t mock people for having faith. My problem with it is just that there are simply too many of them, and the reality is they debate amongst themselves more than they debate with the scientific community. Just about every war throughout human history has had a religious untertone if it wasn’t classified as a holy-war all together.

    And as for conventional logic, 600 years ago the earth was definately flat, 150 years ago it was impossible for man to fly, 60 years ago man could never walk on the moon, and Einstein was a whack job until he was proven right. So my conclusion as far as that goes is that a good portion of what we now consider to be “Conventional logic” will be cast asside before we have all the answers.

    It’s the human condition to both fear and have curiosity about the unknown, and my personal opionion is that both science and religion will find they have more in common than they once thought before all is said and done.

  23. Ethered

    This is actualy true. Religion is stupid and just another form of control. But most people are too stupid to see that.

  24. Ben


    1. people have known that the earth is a globe of quite a while. It was simply the Lay people (religious) that though the earth was flat mostly based on biblical interpretation.
    2.It is generally the common people that think things are impossible. Most scientists (good ones anyway) will admit that most things are possible, given the right technology.

    And conventional logic and religious logic work in a very similar manner. Religious logic simply ignores all of the progress that mankind has made in the last few thousand years.

  25. greenerman

    Please read the classic debate, “Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?: The Resurrection Debate” which describes a debate between two philosophers, one an atheist, and the other a Christian. Surprisingly, at least to the prejudiced and stereotypically minded people of limited human experience perhaps, the Christian won. And he didn’t even have to have a giant, mean head. It is logical to accept the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It is illogical to reject it. Don’t worry about big angry heads. Concern yourself with closed minds.

  26. just me

    One day the devil and his new apprentice were following a man looking for truth. The man was walking along, and tripped on a piece of truth.

    “Oh, no!”, said the apprentice, “He’s found something!”.

    “Don’t worry.”, said the devil. “He’ll just move it, chip away parts he doesn’t like, and maybe even paint it. Sometimes they even pile them up!”

    They both laughed and kept walking.

  27. Different JD

    1st Pane
    “I have a tangible object”
    “Prove it”
    Reveal tangible object

    2nd Pane
    “I have an intangible belief”
    “Prove it”
    “I believe that by stating my belief, it proves that I have it”
    “Oh, cool”

    I don’t think that particular comic would have attracted this many comments.

  28. Andrew Christensen

    Religion is COMPLETELY rational due to the laws of physics.

    Anyhow, lets change the comic

    1st Pane
    “I have a tangible object”
    “Prove it”
    Reveal tangible object

    2nd Pane
    “I have an intangible belief”
    “Prove it”
    “It’s impossible to provide solid proof for intangible things which cannot be comprehended fully due to the restrictions of our mind but it is possible to realize that in order for the universe to exist with a set of laws (physics) then there must be an intelligent being setting the laws”
    “Oh, cool”

  29. Brian

    I created an Atheist / rational thinker store, mostly out of anger and frustration at the general public’s stupidity and/or apathy about just these kinds of things. Check it out if you like… I keep all of the prices as low as is possible through zazzle in order to get as much out there as I can and help spread the word that we’re not going to take this shit anymore. 🙂*

  30. Adam

    Religion should have been laughed out ages ago once we realized that the more we learn, the less we can attribute to any of the hundreds of gods that people believe in.

    It’s only a matter of time.

  31. James Smith João Pessoa, Brazil

    To all you religious reich idiots: religion is bashed because it’s evil, stupid, arrogant, and causes tremendous hardship in the world. Most of the wars, bigotry, intolerance, hatred, ignorance, and unwarranted guilt is caused by religion.

    Mankind will never truly be free until the black yoke of religion is lifted by the clear light of truth and logic.

  32. funkydrummer

    Bottom line is there is no evidence for religion none of them. Just like there are no faith healing hospitals. The problem is if i were to say the holocaust did not happen you would say show me the evidence just like if you believe in god prove it. The ones that believe have the burden of proving that jesus was god. Problem is modernity is making more and more atheists due to evidence and proof that life is older than 10000 years and that we are not the center of the universe and we do revolve around the sun.

  33. kyle

    I can remember as a five year old child asking the preacher in church “if God created us, who created God?” and his answer was for me to pray to God for an answer. I still remember thinking in the terms of a 5 year old “what a line of bullshit”. How lucky was I to learn such a valuable lesson at five years of age? If there is a God he’s not the one in the Bible – the God in the Bible is way too petty and small to have created the Universe and if I’m wrong and I go to hell it would just prove I’m right in the first place.

  34. Phil E. Drifter

    Absolutely. You people have no concept of time. You have no idea how long a billion years is. You have no idea that given enough time random occurrences can produce life.

    There is no god. Get over it. It's stupid to think so, and you people believe that garbage because you want to believe your 'soul' magically goes some place after you die.

    Religion is the oldest scam of all time. “Give me some money and I'll put in a good word for you with the Man upstairs, then after you die you won't roast in hell you'll get to see all your dead relatives, etc etc etc. Just give me your money, I swear you'll go to heaven! GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!!!”

    And they fill you with guilt, they make you feel guilty and — what a coincidence! — only THEY can forgive you.

    And it certainly beats some supernatural deity who watches over everything — not just you, but — EVERYONE does, and then he JUDGES you when you die. If that doesn't instill guilt, I don't know what does.

    “We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.” -Gene Roddenberry

  35. Phil E. Drifter

    I feel … well, no i don't, you people are morons.

    Religion = control over people too stupid, too afraid to think for themselves.

  36. Phil E. Drifter

    You can disagree with me but then you'd be wrong.

    There is no god. now stop worrying about it, and stop trying to please someone/something that does not exist, and enjoy THIS life, it's the only one you'll ever get.

  37. Phil E. Drifter

    You morons are so stupid (well, your Roman Catholic church has been lying to you for thousands of years, if you want to blame them) you've been misled by the lies they tell you. Every single tale that was told about Jebus in the new testament was actually a previous tale credited to Mithra, an Egyptian 'god' who lived around 600 BC. Born of a virgin? Check. Had 12 followers? Check. Healed the sick, returned sight to the blind? Check. Was crucified and rose from the dead 3 days later? CHECK.

    Do some research instead of being led around by your ignorant hopes that after you die (even though your body rots) your 'soul' goes someplace where all the women have great racks, there's no cancer (caused by your god as much as you were) etc etc.

  38. Phil E. Drifter

    They prove their stupidity whenever anyone says “you can't prove god doesn't exist,” because

    You can't prove anything doesn't exist. You can only prove that which exists.

    Prove to me unicorns or flying spaghetti monsters or zombies don't exist. You can't. You can't knowingly say that nowhere in this universe is there a planet where there are unicorns or bigfoot or flying spaghetti monsters, etc.

    You can only prove that which exists.

    Any proof on god? None. Zero. Zilch.

  39. Phil E. Drifter

    Don't forget about the girl out near Chicago 2 or 3 years ago who died from an easily treatable form of — I'm a little fuzzy, it's been a while since it happened — diabetes, and instead of taking her to the hospital her parents prayed her to death.

    And they were found guilty in a court of law of criminal neglect, and the other children were taken into custody by child services.

  40. Phil E. Drifter

    I was the same way, man. I was sent to 12 years of catholic school (and I appreciate what my mom did, I really do, considering the dysfunctional family I grew up in, she slaved away for years to put 4 kids through 12 years of catholic school; I appreciate it because I know I wouldn't have gotten nearly the education i did had I gone to a Philly public school) AP Algebra, AP pre-calc/trig, 2 years AP chem, 2 years AP bio, and the stupid required religion classes every year, what a waste of my time, it was an insult to my intelligence. Junior year the priest even tried to explain it as “if you're hunting in the woods and you see something but you're not sure if it's a deer or another person, do you shoot it?” trying to equate it with “on the off chance that, beyond all reason god actually does exist, are you willing to deny it?”

    What a crock of horse manure.

  41. Lamia7

    The obvious issues with that theory are twofold:
    1) Mithra was not recorded as having actually existed twice by Josephus the Scholar…
    and 2) You did a good job of listing the 5 similarities between Mithra and Jesus, however it should be born in mind that being born of a virgin, healing the sick, and rising from the dead were common of every god in every system of theology at that time, and not all Mithra legends involve death by crucifixion. You also conveniently ignored the tremendous differences between Jesus Christ and the Mithra figure…you might as well have tried to argue the same thing with Dionysus. Matter of fact, why don't I do that for Dionysus?
    Birth foretold by divine messengers? Check. Son of God? Check. Water into wine? Check. Embraced female followers at a time when they weren't popular? Check. Captured unfairly by religious and political authorities and followers persecuted? Check and check.
    Of course, anyone with a significant knowledge of the differing mythologies will be able to immediately point out significant differences between Jesus and Dionysus, as with Jesus and Mithra, but you have to admit the couple similarities I dug up were quite impressive.

  42. Christophxr

    Doesn't your comment right here just further show how Christianity took the myths from other religious systems and bundled them together to easier convert the people they conquered?


  43. Lamia7

    Umm…not unless they bundled Christianity with myths that didn't previously exist? I agree that it is entirely possible that Christianity simply stole from *everyone's* mythology but first of all it would have had to be a long time before they conquered people using the theology (John was written within the century when Jesus died) and second of all they would have had to add very cleverly to all of it, as Jesus performed some miracles that other gods didn't and did some other interesting things that other gods didn't. Not to mention Josephus doesn't record the other ones existing as legitimate historical figures (deity or no) whereas he does record Jesus as some obscure cult leader Josephus didn't really like.

  44. Stythys

    wtf? conventional people don't give hugs to people they love? that pic makes no sense.

  45. Melikor2000

    I have enjoyed reading some of the comments here, to see that atheists are claiming “you dont believe what I do, so you must be stupid” whilst accusing theists of “you dont believe in (deity) so you must be stupid” interesting………very interesting. Hipocrisy always goes down well.

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